Collage of photos showcasing Martin Road faculty as children

Martin Road Elementary just finished up a fun game of "Guess Who?"

Teachers and staff at the school brought in childhood photos, ideally from their elementary school years (kindergarten through fifth grade). Once all the photos were gathered, students and faculty were challenged to match each photo with the correct teacher or staff member.

A total of 76 teachers and staff participated, which made it quite a challenge to match the names with the faces! Both students and staff eagerly gathered around the photos, trying their best to identify each member of the Martin Road family. Four staff members—Shannyn Tirado, Savannah Gonsiorek, Meghan Maddigan and Sarah Saleh —were able to correctly match every photo to the right person.

A special thank you goes to Kim Pulinski and Heather Kwiatkowski for organizing this activity.

Check out the video reveal for all the pictures: